Thursday, March 05, 2009

Positive & Proactive

These traits will take you far.  Life is coming at you no matter what you do, so by being prepared you can make "it" a smoother road, and a much more enjoyable ride.  Don't just let it happen, be an active part of the swirling movement.  Steer your path, be a good husband/wife, dad/mom, friend.  It takes more energy, but it will come back to you 10 million fold and it's the right thing to do.  The "right" thing to do always takes more effort.  I think that is why so many people take the easy's not work.  The "100 % plan"(my wife should copy write that term & concept), relationships are not 50/50, it's each person giving 100%.   You're backing each other up 24/7.  It's what you do...  Yeah, it takes more effort on both sides, but it's easier & everyone is happier.

1 comment:

Shelley said...

Wow..did I ever need to read that today.