Friday, March 27, 2009

How did we become a society of "have nots"...

Why do so many only think of what they want, and not what they have. There is always someone with less, someone who would love to have what you have, be where you are, maybe even be you! Reflection is something we don't practise enough. If you disagree, turn on a TV or computer at look at "the news" for 60 seconds, and you'll see someone with "less," or having a worse day than you.
Let's work toward "half full," and try to get away from "half empty."
Sure things may not be how we want or would choose, but it can always be worse. We all need to take a hard look of where we are and what we HAVE in these difficult times.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

If you like running, you'll love this!

Please look into this, it is very well done, and inspirational.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

When you are having fun people actually pay attention!

When you are having fun people pay attention. Happy employees are the best thing you can ever have!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Time sure flies, this will make you think.

This will make you think, especially if you have kids.
Please watch this.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Positive & Proactive

These traits will take you far.  Life is coming at you no matter what you do, so by being prepared you can make "it" a smoother road, and a much more enjoyable ride.  Don't just let it happen, be an active part of the swirling movement.  Steer your path, be a good husband/wife, dad/mom, friend.  It takes more energy, but it will come back to you 10 million fold and it's the right thing to do.  The "right" thing to do always takes more effort.  I think that is why so many people take the easy's not work.  The "100 % plan"(my wife should copy write that term & concept), relationships are not 50/50, it's each person giving 100%.   You're backing each other up 24/7.  It's what you do...  Yeah, it takes more effort on both sides, but it's easier & everyone is happier.