Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Lake Geneva 1/2 Extreme (half ironman)

Lake Geneva Wisconsin is an awesome place only about 1 1/2 hours north of Chicago. It's the vacation spot of Chicagoans, many famous families such as the Wrigley's & Vanderbilt's have large lake front compounds. I am lucky to have a good friend who lives there, with a boat! I had done this race once before, but have gained a lot experience & fitness since that first attempt at this distance.

Great weather this year (Sept. 12), and I was excited to see what I could do. I picked out a good spot in transition, by a big tree so it would be easy to spot. The swim went well just tried to stay relaxed. The swim time of 33:24 (1.2 miles), which was okay and not a surprise since I hadn't been swimming too much. T1 (3:21) wanted to make sure I was set with all my nutrition & comfortable. Bike started okay, the course splits with the Half taking a turn which I just missed and had to turn around. Not a huge deal. After the turn I remembered a short but steep hill, with being so close to the start of the bike you're not really ready for it. Tried to relax and settle into a rhythm. Checking the time to keep nutrition on track. About about the 2 hour point on the bike my lower back really started to hurt... at times it felt like it was on fire. Never had this kind of trouble before, and with 1 more hour to go, I tried to relax sit up and stretch it. Right around this time I retrieved my Tylenol form my pocket and proceeded to hit a bump and eject it into the air... and, no, I didn't stop. I remembered a long steady hill on a major road, just after making the turn onto to that road about 100 yards in front of me was a guy who went down. I could see his face was scrapped up pretty bad as I went by (support crew was running to him). Flashback to July and the Olympic distance race where I went down... stay relaxed. Bike time 3:04:35 (18.2 mph average)(56 miles). T2 (2:26) happy to get upright and let my back change positions. On to the run and felt pretty good. Quickly I was upon "killer hill," and reminded how steep it really was. Did I mention that it's a two loop run, read: "killer hill" TWICE. Walked fast up the hill stretching my legs with long strides, and twisting my upper body which yielded a few satisfying back cracks. The first loop went well ran everything but the hill. The second loop started to hurt, and I gave it all I could. Run time 2:05:52 (9:36 pace)(13.1 miles). Pleased to cross the line with a new 1/2 PB in the time of 5:49:37. I "showered" in the lake and hurried home to see my family. I would like to figure out the back pain on the bike, and find a 1/2 with a flat run to perform more to my potential.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Chicago Rock & Roll Half Marathon

August 2 was the inaugural Chicago Rock & Roll Half Marathon. I must say it was an excellent event. Great race, weather, crowds & bands. I was hoping for a solid race pace of just under an 8:00 mile. I felt pretty good, but ended up a little behind my goal and ended up doing exactly an 8:00 mile. It's all good, keeping my eye on the prize, the Chicago Marathon in October. My wife & sister-in-law also ran the race and did great! I am very proud of them for setting their goal and flowing it through. Great job ladies!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Evergreen Triathlon (Olympic Distance) 2009

Great day in Bloomington/Normal Illinois today. This Olympic distance triathlon is the Mid-West Regional qualifier, and always great to see the college crowd out racing... Good weather, low 60's, partially cloudy, but with some wind. This year featured a new bike course which contained more hills than last year. Although the corn was high (4-5 ft tall) it didn't help too much with the winds on the bike.
My goal was to beat last years time. Here's how it shook out. The swim 28:13, which is about 1:00 slower than last year, but this isn't bad since I really haven't done much swimming. T1 was about the same at 1:52. The bike started out pretty good, cool & some wind. I did see a sign that indicated gravel on the course at the middle of the bike course. I used caution slowing, and coming into the corner, apparently not enough...I went down. Lucky I was going slow, but I've always thought of myself as a pretty good bike handler (bruised ego). Hey even the pros crash. There was medical support parked there, they cleaned me up (lost 6:00) talked with me and I was off. I ended up with a divot/flap of skin on the heel of my left hand, and a scrap on my left shoulder. Adrenaline, is a powerful thing! I rode hard trying to make up time. T2 was about the same as last year at 1:13. The run went well! Last year after dropping my gels ran out of energy on the run, and was disappointed with my result. This year I felt as though I performed like I should with a 7:43 pace and a time of 47:54.
I am still happy with my performance! My day could have ended right there on the bike course, but I was able to power through it and have a pretty good race.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Tour de France = bike porn

The Tour de France is always good for new cutting edge bikes. Specialized, my favorite, has improved on it's time trial bike. The "Transition" makes way for the "Shiv." One thing i noticed is the more aerodynamic front edge with the bump out just below the headset. Excited to see it when it gets released to the masses.

2009 Tour Tech: Specialized gets in the custom paint game with this Shiv TT bike for Cancellara. | Photo: Zack Vestal

I love cycling & Robin Williams is one of the funniest people in the world.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Please help me make a difference.

We have all been touched by cancer, whether it’s someone in your own family or maybe just an acquaintance. It is everywhere. Last year, my Dad was diagnosed, treated, and is doing well. It was a huge reality check for me… Now I am doing what I can to help. On October 11th, I will run the Chicago Marathon for the Lance Armstrong Foundation to raise money for cancer research. Here are some things to think about:

1.4 million Americans are expected to be diagnosed with cancer this year.
560,000 Americans are expected to die from cancer this year. That’s more than 1,500 per day.
Nearly 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will develop cancer during their lifetime.
Within the next decade, cancer is likely to replace heart disease as the leading cause of death in the U.S. It is already the biggest killer of those under the age of 85.
"At the Lance Armstrong Foundation, we unite people to fight cancer believing that unity is strength, knowledge is power and attitude is everything."



“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” - gandhi

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

This will make you think.

I feel like I am posting lots of videos, and I have been. This is very thought provoking stuff.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Parenting is HARD...

To become a parent is easy, there's no qualification process, or basic aptitude exam. Being a parent worth anything is hard. You've got to keep balance, let them go and do but at the same time have boundaries.

"the primary objective is to create a fullfilled person"
Laird Hamilton's book "Force of Nature"
...on being a parent

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Choose Happy :)

Choose Happy over Sad

It takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile.
What you put out, you will receive. Be positive, be happy and you will get that in return from others.
"Aloha," man do the Hawaiians have it right. To translate it means, " to breathe life." The best compliment you could ever get from a Hawaiian would be for them to say you have Aloha. It is to share your life energy with others and with all that surrounds you.

If you don't agree, then just be lazy and use only 17 muscles...

Friday, April 10, 2009

This is going to be good!

George Hincapie the only teammate of Lance Armstrong to ride all 7 Tour de France victories, is getting well deserved recognition outside the peleton. This is going to be good. I am very excited to see this...

Friday, March 27, 2009

How did we become a society of "have nots"...

Why do so many only think of what they want, and not what they have. There is always someone with less, someone who would love to have what you have, be where you are, maybe even be you! Reflection is something we don't practise enough. If you disagree, turn on a TV or computer at look at "the news" for 60 seconds, and you'll see someone with "less," or having a worse day than you.
Let's work toward "half full," and try to get away from "half empty."
Sure things may not be how we want or would choose, but it can always be worse. We all need to take a hard look of where we are and what we HAVE in these difficult times.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

If you like running, you'll love this!

Please look into this, it is very well done, and inspirational.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

When you are having fun people actually pay attention!

When you are having fun people pay attention. Happy employees are the best thing you can ever have!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Time sure flies, this will make you think.

This will make you think, especially if you have kids.
Please watch this.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Positive & Proactive

These traits will take you far.  Life is coming at you no matter what you do, so by being prepared you can make "it" a smoother road, and a much more enjoyable ride.  Don't just let it happen, be an active part of the swirling movement.  Steer your path, be a good husband/wife, dad/mom, friend.  It takes more energy, but it will come back to you 10 million fold and it's the right thing to do.  The "right" thing to do always takes more effort.  I think that is why so many people take the easy's not work.  The "100 % plan"(my wife should copy write that term & concept), relationships are not 50/50, it's each person giving 100%.   You're backing each other up 24/7.  It's what you do...  Yeah, it takes more effort on both sides, but it's easier & everyone is happier.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

...and I'm back.

It's been awhile...  I have turned the corner and am getting excited about training.  I am working hard to be a good Dad & husband, that is my priority.  Every so often you need to renew/refresh that focus needed to be a good family member and leader. I know when I'm doing a solid effort at home the rest of life will follow suit.  I am planning my summer race season too, all things in my life are getting a good track.  More regular posts to follow.